Sunday Club                   

Hello everyone

In this message I want to tell you a story about a very well known preacher, who lived many years ago. His name was Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Today there are still many books either written or wrote about him.

Our story is at the time England ruled India, and many of the Indians were fed up with us ruling them and so fighting broke out. It had become so bad that it was decided to hold a special day of prayer in Churches across our country. Charles was asked to conduct the service  at Crystal Palace in London. This place was huge and on the Wednesday these meetings were held, there were 23,654 people in that building.

In those days there was no such thing as amplifiers to increase the sound of the voice. Although Charles was well known for having a very clear and loud voice, he was worried that in such a huge building many people wouldn't hear him. So a few days before the meeting he visited this huge building to find out where the pulpit was and to test to see how far his voice would carry. Often if we are testing how loud an amplifier carries our voice we would probably say something like; 'one, two, three, four testing.' Charles however said " Look, THE LAMB OF GOD, who takes away the sins of the world." This part of a verse is In John's Gospel chapter 1 verse 29.

Unknown to Charles somewhere in that huge building was a worker who heard these words being thundered out. This man, who wasn't a Christian went home with those few words ringing in his ears. He got home asking God to forgive all his sins and trusted in him. We are not told but I wouldn't be surprised if that man wasn't at the Wednesday meeting and most certainly his life would be changed as becoming a follower of Jesus.

A few questions for us:

1) Who is the lamb of God?

2)Why did He come to this earth?

3What does it mean to each one of us?

Answers are below:

1) Jesus Christ, The Saviour of all who believe in Him.

2) To save those who trust in Him, so that when we die, we will be with Him in heaven. Soon it will be Easter, when we remember Jesus' crucifixion. He had to go through this barbaric death in order that everyone who says and means that they are sorry for their sins and trust in Jesus, will go to Heaven when they die.

3) We hope that despite us not at present being able to meet at Sunday Club, that you will remember Jesus, be genuinely sorry for any wrong that you have done and say sorry to who you have said wrong things to, and most importantly remember Jesus, and to pray and trust in Him.

Perhaps next time I do a message, I will look with you at one of the men who was crucified with Jesus.





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